Rafael Deptulski
Research & Development
about me
I’m a research engineer in the domain of numerical modeling. I’m a passionate about the study of physical phenomena by means of mathematical and numerical models. I was born and raised in Brazil where I obtained a Civil Engineering degree. After moving to France, I completed my master’s degree in numerical modeling and sustainable construction at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay. I have recently finished my Ph.D. in numerical modeling of multi-physics phenomena at Sorbonne University.c
- High Performance Computing
- Parallel computing
- Thermodynamics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Multiphysics modeling
- Damage mechanics
- Crack propagation
- Hydro-mechanical coupling
- Material characterization
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
- Size-dependent constitutive model
professional skills
C, C++, Fortran
Matlab, Cast3m
PHP, MySQL, CSS, html
Adobe suite, Autodesk suite
VTK, Paraview
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project
work experience
2021 - Current
Total / Ecole des Ponts ParistechResearch engineer
Model of physical phenomena seeking to predict rock fracturing issues in the domain of CO2 storage. Scientific literature review, parameter sensitiviy analysis and validation of existing numerical methods are at the heart of this work.
2017 - 2021
IRSN / Sorbonne UniversityPh.D Researcher
Model and implement a multiphysics model by the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method in order to improve the safety assessment of a deep geological radioactive waste disposal.
LMT / ENS Paris-SaclayResearch assistant
2nd year master's degree internship: Simulate coupled heat and mass transfers in porous media.
Lermab / Université de LorraineResearch assistant
1st year master's degree internship: Characterization and simulation of heat transfer in composite porous media.
Auchan FranceAssistant engineer
Engineer's degree internship: Data analyses in the energy department.
2011 - 2013 and 2015
AgetProject manager
Development of software to evaluate the performance of construction projects. Development of planning schedules for civil, residential, commercial and hotel construction projects with monthly assessments and reprogramming project schedules.
2017 - 2021
Sorbonne UniversitéPh.D. thesis
Numerical modeling of multiphase phenomena at pore scale using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics
2015 - 2017
ENS Paris-SaclayMaster's degree
Civil engineering focused on sustainable constructions and numerical modeling
IMT Lille DouaiEngineer's degree
Scholarship from Brazilian government: Science without borders program
2010 - 2015
UCL - Faculdade do Centro LesteEngineer's degree
Civil engineering
academic publications
- Deptulski, R. C., Modelling damage and dilatant two-phase flow at pore scale using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. (2021). Ph.D. thesis. Sorbonne Université.
- Deptulski, R. C., Mnasri, F., El Ganaoui, M., & Bennacer, R. (2018). Morphological Approach for Nonlinear Flow and Heat Transfer in Complex Bio-Composite Material. Heat Transfer Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 40 (17-18), pp.1486-1497.
- Deptulski, R., Vieira, G., & Bennacer, R. (2020). Active wall through a porous media foam type: flow and transfer characterization. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 330). EDP Sciences.
- Deptulski, R., Bennacer, R., & Vieira, G. (2020). Flow and heat transfer in anisotropic active foam porous media wall. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 330). EDP Sciences.
- Deptulski, R. C., & Bennacer, R. (2018). Isotropic and anisotropic heat transfer in active wall porous media foam type. Journées Internationales de Thermique. Monastir, Tunisia.
- Deptulski R. C., Dymitrowska M. and Kondo D. (2019). Modeling the behavior of deformable elastic matrix with damage model using particulate method (SPH). 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Brest, France.
- Mnasri, F., Deptulski, R. C., Bennacer, R. and El Ganaoui, M. (2017). Experimental method and numerical investigation for the prediction of equivalent thermo physical properties of a wood-cement material. Int. Conf. Mat. Energy. Tianjin, China.